Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Life Sucks without a Job - Madurai Life!

When you have a job and you don't realize the importance of it. You keep cribbing about it and when you don't have that, you realize the benefit of it.

Life sucks without a job!

Market sinks, and few has to suffer for someone else's mistake!
As a old saying goes like this - In a hot country road without a shade, you realize the advantage of the shade.

I am in that situation right now. I am without a job for earning! I do have a job of taking care of family and representing non-revenue generating things, but I don't have a job for food!

Is that a lesson to me? Why did this happen to me? Why should I go through this? Am I unfortunate? Didn't contribute enough?!

Believe me man - life sucks, when there is no activity. You need money in life! Tough times always comes through. There are ups and downs. yes..Will there be a UP? Question is when will the UP come? Sooner or later?

Why didn't the Sales team not make sales? Why didn't management estimate the market's situation? Why do they(employers) hire, if they cannot handle it? It is not my mistake dude. We become the victim of someone else's mistake. This is too bad!

There has to be something to hope for, somebody to love for, something to do. Yes. I miss the last part of it. I don't have a job to do! This is a disease man!
I have to get out of it, as soon as possible.

Will return back with a job!



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