Monday, September 01, 2008

Can you dare to go back to roots and stand on your own? - Madurai Courage!

We work for someone else or waiting to work for someone else! However, my dream is to work for myself. Reason for working for someone else is - Need money. We are never with a word "satisfaction" or "it is enough" for money.

Always, there is a need for money. Especially, if you are a married man. You always need money, how much so ever, you might have.

Will I dare to go back to my home and work for myself? Will you dare to do it? Societal pressure, family pressure, monetary pressure! Will you?

Is there a scope to do business? Answer is Yes. Do you have the courage to do it? Not sure. Do you have the courage to break the rules?

Do you have the courage to do societal revolution? Samudhaaya puratchi?? Do you have enough money to do it? Do you have enough power to do it?

All questions posted. Answer it yourself!!

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