Thursday, June 19, 2008

Odd moments in the elevator

Odd moments in the elevator

I am sure everyone of us, who use elevator everyday would have encountered these situations.

You get into your elevator, in your office building. Another man or woman accompanies you in the same elevator.
Elevator closes the door and you go to the desired floor. While the elevator is in flight, you have nothing to talk...

You don't see eye to eye!
You see up and see the display floor number and try to read different things in the elevator to avoid any topic with the other person.
Some people try to talk about weather!#@
Some people try to talk about the latest news or hot topic...
You try to be nice with the conversation...
You say thank you, have a great day, nice talking to you etc.,

Have you seen mirror around you, in many elevators? I don't know why is that.

It is always odd moments, even though it is very quick.

However, if you have the known people on board, these odd moments does not apply.

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