Sunday, May 06, 2007

Thirst for business action

Every individual should have thirst for doing business and becoming an entrepreneur. Becoming an entrepreneur has to be the passion. Becoming an entrepreneur is like planting and growing a tree. That has huge advantages to everyone, in addition to the person who planted it.

At some point of life in every man and woman, he/she should consider doing this. I am sure you guessed the reason I compared entrepreneurship with growing trees.

If a tree grows, there will be profits for the owner of the garden with fruits and other essential elements of profit. At the same time, the tree gives shadow to lots of people who stand under it. At the sametime, the tree is very eco-friendly and pleasant and it makes the environment cycle function well.

Similarly, in entrepreneurship, it gives employment to one or more people. The business produces profits and salaries to various shareholders and employees. Also the business produces benefits to other smaller dependant businesses. It grows the economy and does do some contribution, if not zero.

This thirst is necessary for the soceity and its growth. Please plant trees..sorry entrepreneurship seeds everywhere possible.

As Trees for the environment, Business is for Economy.

thank you

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