Following are the list of products of Customer Satisfied Technologies -
AccountsMAC is a small business accounting software for managing the accounts receivables, accounts payable, invoices, vendors, customers, assets, liabilities and anything pertinent to money for a company. The product has excellent features of reporting, which includes any number of printable customizable reports - for example Profit and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, List of CUstomers, List of Customer Due payment, List of outstanding payments to be made to the vendors etc.,
Designed specially for small to medium businesses, SurveyMAC is different from all its competitors. Customer Satisfied Technologies focussed on speed and user friendliness when designing SurveyMAC.
As small to medium businesses do not have enough time, money or resources to create a
survey, they often need managed solutions that can perform the task for them. SurveyMAC is a survey management system that makes life easier for small to medium businesses that need to quickly evaluate their existing customers and better understand their behaviour.
Using SurveyMAC, a user can create a professional looking survey in no time. The Designer module in SurveyMAC makes it easy to create a simple invitation and deploy a survey by selecting question types as required.
Analysing the survey after receiving responses is even easier. The Analyser module in
SurveyMAC makes it easy to evaluate survey responses at respondent level and question level as required.
SupportMAC is a Support Management Software usually used by HelpDesk and Support Staff - exclusively designed to fit the needs of small business. When the support staff interacts with the issues and concerns of the customer, this software helps manage the issues of the customer. Support staff can open, list, change statuses, assign, close issues and most importantly print reports for reporting to the client or to the management.
ContactMAC is a Contact Management Software used by HelpDesk, Support Staff, Receptionist, Marketing team and anybody who interacts with the customer heavily. ContactMAC product provides the complete details of Contacts - which might include contact details of Customers, Vendors, Prospects, Employees, Partners etc., This will help in sales, marketing, advertising processes of any small business.
ChatMAC is a peculiar software product on demand for most of the small business website owners. Here is how the software works - When a visitor opens a company website, the sales/support staff will have a admin user interface to monitor the user traffic - who is coming, staying and who is going out. The sales/support staff will have the ability to chat with the visitor by prompting a chat window to the website
visitor. Sales person can continue chatting about the products and pitch sales and atlast get/give contact details for making the website visitor as a lead for any upcoming sales. Basically a Business Chat program inbuilt with the website.
Contact us at sales@customersatisfied.com
Labels: General, Software