Tuesday, July 25, 2006

How to get rid of strange anonymous phone calls?

I am going through this problem and I thought I would share with all of you about how to get rid of this problem...

I am getting this call over the weekends - sometimes the number is displayed as a caller id or sometimes it is restricted/unavailable number. He calls me in strange hours and starts scolding me with bad words!!! not sure who is he - sounds spanish accent!

Anyway - here are the things I have done and planned to do...
Step 1: Call the Cell phone company and convey the phone number you see as caller id. Tell them that you don't know this person and request them to block this number.

Step 2: If the call continues - when you get the restricted number call - then just call the cell phone company immediately and tell them to block the number you got just now.

Step 3: If the call continues - then just call the police to report this problem!

It is upto you to jump to Step 3 anytime during this process. Don't get worried or harrassed!!



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