Monday, April 03, 2006

Entrepreuner in everybody

(1) We need to introspect in ourselves daily to see how to get an entrepreuner in ourselves.

(2) We need to plan short-term and long-term in our life. Also, we need to make sure we double check our plan then and there.

(3) We need to make ToDo's daily, weekly and monthly to make sure we meet the targets in every milestone.

(4) Focus in whatever we are doing is very important. It is ok even if we take too many things in life, but focus only only one at a time.

(5) Delegation plays a very important role in getting the project done.

(6) Time Management is very important in getting what needs to be done. Track your time and money. Streamline time based on the tracking.

(7) When playing, only play - when eating, only eat!

(8) Discipline yourself and be strict to yourself!

This edition will continue daily. Keep Reading.....

This article is sponsored by Made In Madurai

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